2023 Family Reunion
Dallas, TX; July 28-30, 2023
The 2023 Nicholson-Young Family Reunion will take place on the final weekend of July, Friday the 28th through Sunday the 30th. Registration is closed as of June 19th.
A special thanks to everyone who made a deposit; your down payment was extremely helpful in projecting how many attendees to expect.
Schedule of Events & Fees
This year's reunion will begin the evening of Friday, July 28th, and will conclude mid-day on Sunday, July 30. Hosted activities include the Friday meet & greet reception, a Saturday bus tour (up to 50 passengers), the banquet and talent show on Saturday evening, and the Sunday breakfast meeting. There will also be a hospitality suite open during the in-between hours for family to socialize with one another.
Registration fees* are $195 for adults/teens, and $130 for children. Registration is closed; the deadline to register was June 18, 2023.
The banquet dinner is a choice of (a) roast chicken, garlic mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans, house salad, rolls; or (b) a vegetarian meal. All dinners will include iced tea and cheesecake for dessert.
* As discussed, attendees who had chosen to pay an early deposit will enjoy an early-bird rate ($20 off), as well as having their $50 deposit credited toward their registration.
The host hotel is the Embassy Suites by Hilton Dallas Love Field. To book a reservation at the group rate ($139/night plus tax), click here. The hotel's deadline to book at the group rate was May 26, 2023.
For those who wish to book by phone, call 1-800-EMBASSY (362-2779) and mention group code "NY5".
2023 Reunion T-shirt
T-shirt orders are closed; the deadline to order additional shirts was Friday, June 30th, 2023 at 5pm (Central Time).
Registration (closed)
Registering for the 2023 Family Reunion is as easy as...
Fill Out the Form
Use any computer or smart phone to click the "Register Now" button below and enter the names/options for those in your group
(payment is required to submit registration)
$195 for adults/teens; $130 for children
Deadline to register was June 18, 2023.
Pay for your Group
At the end of the form, click "Pay Now" for a new window to appear, allowing a secure payment with a debit or credit card
Need Help? For assistance...
First, check the Frequently Asked Questions section to see if your question has been addressed
Try asking a trusted nearby friend or family member to help you on any computer or smart phone
If no one is available nearby, try calling a trusted friend or family member
For advanced assistance, or to report any technical issues, please text or leave a voicemail for Ed Sanders at (916) 538-4283
For general questions about the event that are not related to the family website or the registration process, please leave a text or voicemail with Tameka Branch at (469) 643-0467